Included in our list are plants I love! A mixture of plants- mainly perennials and bulbs- I think are great for various reasons. As we are starting to grow some cut flowers ourselves I have included some plants that are good for picking – lasting well and providing more variety and interest.
Any questions please contact; by email, by phone 063278484 or 0211382806
Sprays of greenish yellow flowers 40cm height from a mound of gray/green leaves which unfurl like the inside of an umbrella. Sun or shade. Perennial.
Size: E
Daisy-like flowers –light to dark lavender blue - sit above the leaves in spring. Divided leaves carpet the ground through early summer. We grow with the cyclamen as when the cyclamen leaves are fading the anemone takes over and in early Feb when anemone is dormant the first cyclamen flowers are coming through. Woodland conditions. 15cm ht.
Size: E Lavender blue E $10.00; E Single white $11.00
Forms clumps of numerous stems from tuberous roots, 60cm ht., with heads of yellow and purple marked, white flowers and light green leaves. Flowers last for weeks when picked. Average well-drained soil in part shade or with some sun.
Size: G 15cm diameter pot $16, H 17cm diameter pot $20
Elegant stems 1.2m height with dainty silver/white willowy leaves. Plumes of tiny flowers in summer giving a silvery effect. Lovely for picking. Sun. Perennial.
Size: E $9.00, H 17cm diameter pot $18
Cream flowers on tall, elegant branching stems, 1.8m height, in early summer. Beautiful for picking with long, fine stems. Clumps of fern-like foliage. Sun or part shade- damp soil though also seems to grow well in a well-drained situation. Perennial.
Size: E expected late spring; G $18.00 (sold out) ; H 17cm diameter pot available $24.00
A centre of tiny flowers surrounded by papery bracts forms a star-like parchment daisy. Several greenish white (sometimes with a touch of pink) flowers on 30-50cm stems. Interesting in the garden and lasts well when picked. Enjoys part-shade in rich soil. Perennial.
Size: E $12 available ; G $17 currently unavailable: H 17cm pot $22 available.
A hybrid of B. microphylla var. koreana and B. sempervirens. Glossy, bright green leaves, slightly rounded, on a compact bush ~1m mature ht x 60cm width. Has shown more disease resistance to box blight than Buxus sempervirens. Grows well in sun or part-shade, well drained not `wet’ soil.
Size: E
Sasanqua camellia with large, semi double, scented white flowers in late winter/early spring. Dark green glossy leaves on a semi weeping evergreen bush ~3m ht.
Size: H Sold out
Large clumps of foliage and tall stems 1.5m with pale yellow flowers similar to a scabiosa (pincushion centre surrounded by larger petals). Good for picking – flowering in summer. Sun. Perennial.
Size: E $11 sold out ; H $18 available
White bottlebrush flowers on 1- 1.5m stems in early autumn -March/April- very striking from an attractive clump of divided green leaves. Woodland perennial enjoying rich, damp soil.
Size: E $10 available; G $18 sold out; H $22 sold out
The Bergamot orange has highly scented leaves, flowers and fruit. Small, sweetly scented flowers in spring with the fruit maturing late autumn/winter to a yellow colour. An essential ingredient of Earl Grey tea. The tree is thornless with a spreading habit 3-4m in height. Plant in full sun and protect from sudden changes in temperature (frost tender) and moisture.
Collect from Nursery Only.
Size: K
Kumquat x West Indian Lime. A small tree producing good crops of sharp, juicy, lemon coloured fruit closer to the lime in flavour. 3-4m ht.
Collect from Nursery Only
Size: K
Fully double flowers, a mass of petals- white, and cream with a touch of green- from late spring to autumn. Enjoys sun or part shade, moist well drained soil - needing a cool root run. Great for picking.
Size: 19cm diameter pot (Sold out, available soon).
A form of C. repens, Taupata, with smaller, shiny, oval, green leaves and also smaller in stature. We have planted as a medium sized hedge at The Ridges providing shelter, food for the birds, and an attractive, green transition to the views of bush and pasture. Likes well draining soil, sun though tolerant of shade. Hardier than C.repens tolerating light frosts. Evergreen.
Size: E $9.00 Sold out
Forms a huge clump of large leaves (1,5m diameter) and then a cloud of white white flowers like a giant (1.8m ht) gypsophila in early summer. Fertile, sunny position. Stems can be picked if put straight into water. I have tried to plant it further back in the border as the cloud of flowers is more spectacular than the leaf.
Size: F $26.00 (sold out), H $30.00, I $40.00.
Small woodland species with varying shades of pink or white flowers. Forms a carpet under the trees here –beautifully marbled green leaves and flowering Feb – May. Dormant in mid- summer which we barely seem to notice as the flowers follow. 10cm ht.
Size: C $9 ; E $10; larger $16-$24 (Sold out).
5% less for 10
Pink or white, very feathered scented flowers on fine stems approx 50cm ht. Sun.
Size: E $9.00 sold out; G 15cm diameter pot $12.00
Creamy-yellow narrow, tubular flowers placed down one side of fine, 60cm stems. Clumps of glossy, green leaves 30cm wide. Sun or part shade.
Size: E $9.00; G 15cm diameter pot $14: H 17cm diameter pot $18.00
A perennial, climbing Dicentra with yellow flowers in clusters hanging from stems 1-3m. Finely dissected fern-like foliage. Flowers through summer into autumn followed by striking cream seedpods that mature to a plum colour. Likes moist soil, cool shaded roots and part shade or shade where it can grow into the sun, doesn’t like it hot and dry, can be a little frost tender, well-drained retentive soil.
Fibre pot $12.00; G 15cm diameter pot $18.00
E $12.00; G 1.5l $17.00
Mercury Bay weed. Forms a dense matt of small, bright green, kidney shaped leaves with inconspicuous greenish white flowers. Full sun or part-shade in well-drained soil. Evergreen. Tolerates light foot traffic.
C $8.00 unavailable.
Related to Soloman’s Seal it is smaller-35cm- with dark green, leathery leaves on stiffly arching stems and pendulous flared white bells in spring-lightly scented. 30cm ht. Shade. Excellent foliage for smaller flower arrangements.
Size: E $9.00; G 15cm diameter pot $14.00; H 17cm diameter pot $18.00
Thickly textured, deep green, glossy leaves held on strong arching stems. Cream flowers under the leaves. Rich, woodland soil. Shade. Strong leaf to pick.
Size: E $9.00, H $18.00
In spring pale yellow, tiny, very dainty flowers a little like tiny aquilegias. Forms a clump 30 cm ht in part- shade or shade -cooler areas. The new heart shaped leaves have at first markings on the leaves turning green and in autumn colouring reddish holding into winter. Trimming leaves back at end of winter allows flowers to be more visible. Lovely groundcover and leaves for picking on very fine wiry stems.
Size: E
Metallic blue rounded flowerheads on 120cm branching stems through summer. Flowers hold for a long period forming attractive seedheads. Heart shaped leathery leaves form low clumps. Picks well. A resilient plant growing in sunny, well-drained conditions.
Size: E $9 sold out; H 17cm diameter pot available $16
Small, pink, very graceful flowers with curved upturned petals and yellow anthers. Several flowers on a 25cm stem in mid spring. Seedlings from The Ridges so probably hybrids- light and darker pink colours. Enjoys humus rich, acid soil that is in semi-shade in spring and shaded in summer when dormant – deciduous woodland.
Size: E Deep Pot $20.00; H 17cm diameter pot $35.00
In spring a 30cm spike with up to 10 pendent, bright yellow flowers with reflexed petals. Glossy, plain green leaves. Part shade in spring and full shade in summer when dormant- Deciduous woodland.
Size: E Deep Pot -SOLD OUT.
Waiuatua, Shore spurge. NZ
A NZ coastal plant with grey blue evergreen leaves forming clumps of upright reddish stems 1m tall. Very small dark crimson flowers through summer. Likes full sun and good drainage tolerating dry, exposed sites.
Size: E $9.00; G 15cm pot $14.00; H 17cm pot $18.00
Forms a rounded sub-shrub with beautiful dark grey green leaves that have a plum tinge on newest growth in spring. Flowering in late spring bright lime green with often a dark plum eye. Enjoys full sun or part- shade in dry or well-drained soils. 45-60 cm tall and wide. Milky sap toxic so not a picking plant but a great landscaping plant and doesn’t spread like some similar Euphorbias.
Size: H 17cm pot
Forms a neat, rounded form able to be trimmed. Evergreen bright green leaves. An alternative to box growing in a wide range of conditions. ~60 x 60cm.
Size: E $9 sold out ; H 17cm diameter pot $16 available
Ferny rosettes of leaves with loose panicles of pink tinged, cream flowers from darker pink buds in early summer. 70cm in flower. Sun.
Size: E $10.00 late spring; G 15cm diameter pot $15.00; H 17cm diameter pot $18.00
A bulb with light green, bell-shaped flowers with reddish brown tips of petals and slight striping and marking inside the flowers. Fragrant. 30cm ht when in flower. Semi shade.
Size: E Deep Pot $22.00
A bulb with cream bell flowers with a green chequered tinge on the outside and crimson chequered pencilling inside. Flowers in Aug/Sept on stems 60 cm ht. Sun or part shade, good drainage, fertile soil.
Size: E Deep Pot $22 available soon; H $35.00 sold out
Small snowdrop with single white flowers with green markings in late winter. Grey strappy leaves.
Size: C
Pink flowers (on the coral side of pink) above clumps of semi-evergreen lobed leaves, from spring to mid- autumn. Many flowers 2.5cm width, 60cm ht. Robust plant easily grown with little maintenance, crowds out weeds well but not taking over. Sun or part shade in average well-drained soils.
Size: E
Small flowered species white with pink markings flowering in spring. Arching stem about 70 cm ht. Sun.
Size: E $9.00, H $16.00
Creamy green, fragrant, smaller gladioli flowers on a fine 60 cm ht stem. Rush like leaves.
Size: E $12.00, H $22.00.
A deciduous, bright green grass which colours in autumn with inconspicuous flowers in late summer. It forms a flowing clump of arching, slender, flat bladed leaves, 45 cm ht, from fine stems, gently spreading by rhizomes (not fast growing). Light and soft to brush past. Loves a moist, shady position but our large clumps are in a clearing with morning to mid-afternoon sun.
Size: H $22.00
A blue-green evergreen (or semi-evergreen in cold spots) grass enjoying sun and well-drained average to dry soils. The colour is bluer in dry, sunny conditions. It looks after itself marvellously well with just some raking out of old leaves. The leaves have a stiffness-not spikey- but strong enough to maintain a rounded shape making it a great landscape plant.
Size: E
Attractive leaves form a reliable groundcover in semi-shade and moisture retentive soil. Flowering in spring cup-shaped nodding flowers. Seedlings from the garden- not necessarily true to parent plant.
Parent plant - bright pinkish red.
Size: H
Flowering around Christmas time lovely large, bright red flowers on stems up to 75 cm ht. Likes sun or part shade and warm conditions. We grow ours year-round in a trough against the house where protected from frost and cold and in pots we can move out of the cold. Fleshy bright green leaves.
Size: H
Attractive clumps of heart shaped leaves generally enjoying part-shade or shade and rich, retentive soil with good drainage. Racemes of trumpet-shaped flowers on straight stems.
A large leaved blue Hosta of Hosta sieboldiana heritage. Forms a large mound of thick, heavily textured leaves, dark blue-grey to blue green, 40cm long. Clumps 170 cm x 90 cm ht. Flower stems 120 cm ht with racemes of long-lasting palest lavender -white flowers in summer. Enjoys retentive soils but can tolerate drier soils when established, in part to full shade.
Size: F 15cm pot $16.00; H $18.00
Deep green, lightly corrugated leaves with a streaky white/cream margin. Pale lavender flowers on stems ~35cm ht. Medium sized hosta ~60-75cm wide.
Size: E $11 ; H $18
Greenish-yellow rippled leaves become greener in summer with red petioles. Lavender flowers 45cm ht. Clumps 30-60cm ht x 60-90cm wide.
Size: E $11 ; H $18
Small hosta with narrow stiff vertical white leaves with streaky dark green margins. Pale lavender flowers in summer. ~25cm ht x 30cm wide.
Size: E $11 (Sold out) ; H $18 (Sold out)
Pointed bluish leaves slightly cupped with wavy margins forming a clump 30cm ht x 60cm. Pale lavender flowers in late summer.
Size: H
Chalky blue leaves with some corrugation and slightly wavy edge to the leaf. It holds colour well – more green blue if grown with some sunlight. Light lavender flowers in late summer. ~50cm ht x 70-100cm wide.
Size: H
Soft cream, grey green and blue grey painted leaves forming a large clump 75cm-1.2m wide. Flowers white in early summer 70cm ht.
Size: H
Heart-shaped, thick, powdery, grey-blue leaves (slightly greener if in sun). Lilac flowers just above the leaves in mid-summer. ~ 45cm ht x 90cm.
Size: E, H
Deep green, very glossy, leaves of substance with slightly rippled margins forming clumps 50cm ht x 100cm. 75cm stems with fragrant, pale lavender flowers. Part-shade, shade – a little more tolerant of sun than most hostas.
Size: E $12 ; H $19
Lovely large blue-grey leaves form a large, upright clump ~60cm ht and ~1.2m wide. Leaves are very blue in spring becoming blue-green later in the season. Lavender flowers in summer.
Size: H
Dark green leaves with a crisp white edge form a clump 75-100cm wide. Lilac flowers on a 55cm stem in mid-summer.
Size: E $11 (sold out) ; H $18 (sold out).
Thick, textured, cupped leaves with beautiful corrugation and creamy, yellow variegation through the outside of the leaf. Leaf clumps 45-60cm ht and flowering stems of white flowers 80-100cm ht.
Size: E $11 ; H $18 (sold out).
Large green, glossy, deeply ribbed leaves (the colour of a granny smith apple) forming a clump 1m wide. Beautiful, pure white flowers on 80cm stems in summer - scented and larger in this form than species.
Size: H $22.00
Dark green, narrow leaves with a cream rippled edge - partly folded- form an upright clump ~40cm ht and produce lavender flowers in late summer. 45-60cm wide.
Size: E $12.00, F $18.00
Huge blue/green, heart-shaped leaves with heavy ribbing. Leaves bluer when in semi-shade. White flowers. 90cm ht x 100cm.
Size: H $18
Large leaves soft green to soft greenish yellow (with more sunlight) with a quilted texture. Forms a clump ~60cm ht x 1.2- 1.6m wide with flower stems of lavender bells, 75-90cm ht, in mid- summer. A favourite here.
Size: E $11 ; H $18
Big blue-green leaves with a creamy yellow thunderbolt pattern in the centre that fades to white in summer. Forms a clump spreading ~90cm. White flowers in mid-summer 60-75cm ht.
Size: E $11 (sold out) ; H $18
Thick dark green leaves with a creamy yellow edge. Lilac flowers in mid-summer ~60cm ht. Clumps 80-100cm wide.
Size: E $8 (sold out) ; H $18
A form grown at The Ridges with blue flowers on branching stems above wide ribbed leaves. Forms a slowly spreading clump in part-shade. 60cm ht.
Size: E $12(Sold out) ; F $16.00; H $20.00
A dwarf iris flowering in late winter-early spring with clear blue flowers marked with butter yellow and white on each fall. 10-15cm ht. Open, sunny, well-drained site.
Size: E Deep Pot
A form with royal blue flowers in early spring with a striped, white throat and bright yellow central band on the falls. 10-15 cm ht. Erect linear mid-green leaves. Open, sunny, moist but well-drained site- alkaline- neutral.
Size: E Deep, fibre pot
Branched stems carry 2-3 blue flowers in late spring-early summer. Attractive clumps of grassy leaves. 1m ht. Sun or part-shade, retentive soil.
Size: E $9 ; 15cm diameter $14
Oioi. NZ.
Bluish-green fine reed like foliage with brown bracts at the joints– not stiff, 1 m ht. Enjoys full sun and retentive soil, can grow in marsh conditions. In a drier site yellowish colouring. Tolerates frost. NZ plant.
Size: E $9
Thick petals of cream/pale yellow on strong 1m stems with ~6-9 flower buds. Dramatic in the garden in bud and when flowers open in December (end of the school year sort of time). Enjoys sun with well-drained soil.
Size: E $10 ; H $18
Very graceful lily with slender 1.5-2m, dark stems, long narrow leaves and bright yellow, spotted flowers - downward facing and strongly reflexed, unscented. Masses of flowers- up to 20 / stem. Needs to be sent before too tall but can still be collected later in the season.
Size: Large pot 16cm width x 21.5cm height
Scented, scarlet lily -sometimes spotted black – 1m stems carrying 1-20 reflexed, nodding flowers. Needs well drained soils. Needs to be sent before too tall but can still be collected later in the season.
Size: Large pot 16cm width x 21.5cm height
White, fragrant, trumpet lily thought of as a Christmas lily as it flowers around this time. ~1m tall with 3-5 flowers /stem. Likes sun with cooler roots and rich soil.
Size: H
Christmas lily. Highly scented white flowers with a yellow throat and a touch of pink on the outside of the petals. 1.8m stems.
Size: K
A graceful lily with flowers of soft primrose yellow fading to cream- lightly spotted, pendant form and non- scented. Flowering in early/mid-summer. Well-drained, alkaline soil in sun/part-shade. 1-1.2m ht.
Amazing deep blue, cup-shaped, slightly nodding poppies in early summer on 80-100 cm stems. Beautiful clumps of leaves. Perennial when happy in humus rich, moist, neutral to acid soil in a cool position (dividing every 2-3 years). Colour can vary with conditions.
Size E $12.00
Epiphytic native fern with glossy, bright green fronds that grow up from rhizomes. Humus rich, cool, retentive position. A lovely addition to the garden. Lasts well when picked. 30cm ht on ground – can climb up trunks...
Size: E
Chatham island forget-me-not. Fabulous glossy, thick, lined leaves and in spring/early summer beautiful blue flowers like a very large forget-me-not. Likes rich, moist but well-drained soil. 60cm ht x 60cm wide. Perennial.
Size: H $16.00
Flat heads of lacy white flowers with the outside ring of flowers 8x longer than the others. Flowers in summer on 60cm ht stems. Ferny divided green foliage. An annual which we find gently reseeds. A beautiful addition to garden style flower bunches.
Size: E $9.00
20-30 cm ht stems carrying 3-12 reflexed, tubular, pale greenish-white flowers with silvery white on the edge of the petals and darker on the back. A bulb flowering in early spring – mid/late August. Enjoys sun or part-shade in well-drained, but not dry soil.
Size: E Deep Pot $12.00
A ‘tree paeony’ forming a 2m deciduous shrub with bright green leaves and in early summer bowl-shaped, golden yellow flowers. Leaves change to yellow with pink leaf stems in autumn. Likes full sun and a cold winter.
Size: H
Light orange, semi-double flowers on fine stems. Attractive rosette of grey/green leaves. Likes sun and good drainage. 60cm ht in flower. Perennial.
Size: E
Fine, elegant 1.5m stems with pure white star flowers opening up the stem as a delphinium would in Nov/Dec. Rosettes of green linear leaves. Lovely linear form both in the garden and adding height in flower arrangements. Best grown in the open in moisture retentive soil, although ours appear to be happy also in our sunny, well drained border.
Size: E $22.00
Evergreen perennial forming a wonderful groundcover of large grey-green leaves. Strong 1m stems bear whorls of butter-yellow hooded flowers through summer. Very striking when in bud, flower and with seedheads. Copes with sun and dry conditions.
Size: E $9.00
Mountain toatoa, mountain celery pine. NZ.
An evergreen subalpine-alpine shrub, also found at lower altitudes as a small tree- up to 6m ht. Dark green to blue-grey colour variation in flattened stems acting as leaves. Enjoys part shade and retentive but well- drained soil. NZ plant.
Size: E
Graceful, arching stems with pairs of smooth, green leaves spaced regularly up the stem. In late spring/early summer cream, green tipped bells dangle beneath the leaves. Forms an attractive arching clump of stems 70cm ht. Woodland plant.
Size: E $9; H $16
Clumps of smaller, finer stems than Solomans Seal 50-85cm ht. with reddish colouring. Leaves in pairs have a fine cream edge and cream bells hang beneath in late spring/early summer. Lovely to pick whether in flower or not. Rich, damp soil in sun or part shade.
Size: E $11 ; H $18
A European fern forming clumps of slightly soft, arching stems with finely divided fronds. I like the variation in greens of different aged stems. Lasts when picked once mature. 60cm ht. x 60cm. Woodland.
Size: H
Clusters of cream, bell- shaped, fragrant flowers on fine stems 50cm ht. in early summer. Enjoys retentive soil, in cool, part/full shade.
Size: E
Flowering in early spring, beautiful pinkish-red flowers with a touch of yellow in the centre, held in dense umbels 30 cm ht. Forms a clump of textured green leaves. Likes good drainage and part-shade, may be a little frost tender.
Size: E $9 ; H $16
In mid- summer branching stems with fragrant, pinkish-white flowers rise above textured, bronze foliage like the leaves of a horse chestnut tree. Grows in sun or semi-shade, preferably in retentive soil sheltered from wind. 1m ht x 1m.
Size: H
Bold, divided and very textured leaves (horsechestnut-like) form handsome clumps. Stems with small side branches carry fluffy, pink/red flowers. 1.2m ht x 80cm. Rich, moist soil in part-shade.
Size: H (Sold out).
1-1.5m ht x .5-1m wide clumps of dramatic, divided, very textured leaves-emerging dark green with a bronze-tinge. Enjoys part-shade and retentive soil. Small pink flowers on stems mid-late summer.
Size: E $20.00; H $30.00
Large bright green leaves forming semi- evergreen clumps with vivid blue flowers with touch of white. Stems 90 cm ht. Grows in sun or shade.
Size: E $9 ; H $16
A small, compact shrub with very fragrant, small white flowers in winter followed by bright red berries. Evergreen stems with dark green, glossy leaves lasting a very long time in water - useful for picking. Grows in part-shade or shade in well-drained soil. ~1m ht. Can be grown as a hedge.
Size: E $9 ; H 17cm diameter pot $18
Cream and green buds open to flat heads of pale pink and cream flowers giving a pale pink effect. Very striking clumps of pale green, succulent type stems of leaves. Sun- can cope with hot dry conditions.
Size: E $9 ; H $16
Fine stems, 60cm ht, with many lime-green, fringed flowers in late spring. Clumps can form a groundcover of bright green leaves. Seeds nicely. Semi-shade.
Size: C $8.00 E $9.00
So excited to have this special tree in our catalogue. A small deciduous tree with beautiful bark, lovely white flowers 6cm wide in early summer, and leaves dark green through summer changing to scarlet in autumn. Grows 3.6- up to 12m ht and 2.4-7.5m wide forming an elegant tree - our tree over 50 years old would be 4-5m ht. Enjoys full sun to part shade and well-drained soils – not dry- and sheltered from wind. Plants are 60-90cm ht.
Size: 3.5l-19cm pot
Sprays of fluffy, lavender-pink flowers on 80cm stems in summer. Pale green leaves similar to an aquilegia. Sunny, well drained site.
Size: H $16.00
A woodland plant with stems topped with a whorl of 3 leaves and in spring an upright 3 petalled flower appearing through the centre of them. Either pure white or with a touch of pink at the base of the petals. Rich retentive soil in shade with a drier dormancy time (late summer through autumn). These are flowering size plants- Trilliums can take 2 years to germinate and 4+ years from seed before flowering.
Size: H $35 J $45
Flowers are a pale earthy pink.
Size: J
Collect from Nursery Only
The daintiest, rounded, bright green leaves on fine stems forming clumps with a maidenhair fern likeness. Open sprays of tiny white flowers in late spring/early summer. 20cm ht. Part shade.
Size: E $9.00
Early spring flowering with white, double, sweetly scented flowers above 10-15 cm ht leaves. Easily grown in part-shade or shade. Forms a lovely groundcover.
Size: E
Some NZ native plants we are using around waterways.
A smaller form of green flax. Emerald green leaves with spikes of green-yellow flowers in summer loved by birds. Clumps -50cm ht x 50cm wide.
Ordering and Payment
When we have received your order we will confirm availability and advise the total cost including the freight. The guidelines below are to give you an idea of what the freight is likely to be. It makes the freight more worthwhile if the carton is full. Minimum mail order $30.00 plant value. NZ orders only.
Payment can then be made by cash, direct credit online or by eftpos (at the nursery only) or debit/credit card Visa and Mastercard (at the nursery only).
Direct credit to The Ridges Garden
BNZ account 02-0684-0013493-000 with Ref- Name and invoice number.
We send plants by courier. Sending out plants Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays (NI) to avoid plants sitting over the weekend. Please open and check the plants on arrival. We encourage you to collect from the nursery if you are able – please ring 021 1382806 or email to arrange a time.
For larger plant sizes it is better if they could be collected from the nursery as listed in the catalogue. Some plants become too fragile to send later in their season when coming into flower- such as Fritillarias.
Guide for prices/carton:
Note there can be a small variation on the day of sending due to courier charges for fuel.
Local area; the area including Waikanae up the coast to Waitara, across to Raetihi, Ohakune, Waiouru, Dannevirke and down to Martinborough.
- 16 size E plants /carton. $17-$19 for 1 carton 15kg.
The rest of the North Island and South Island- a carton takes 8-12 size E plants/carton. Standard carton is 31cm x 46cm x 32cm ht.
The rest of the North Island; $24 - $27 for 1 carton 10kg. Up to 15kg $34-38. Under 2 kilo (3 x size E plants), (minimum $30 plant value) $14-$17.00
South Island; $38 - $43 for 1 carton 10kg. Up to 15kg $60-$64.
3 x size E plants if less than 2 kg $25-$28.
Rural delivery requires an extra $8.10/ 25kg. Please let us know – if not declared we will need to send another account.
For larger orders please contact us to work out freight.
Please open and check on arrival and contact the courier and us if there are any problems as soon as possible.
Plant Sizes
Most of our plants are in sizes E, H and J – see chart below to give an idea. Sometimes we have a different size to that listed in the catalogue in small numbers so do say if you prefer smaller or larger plants and if possible we could send those.
The plants are grown in various sized pots. We are changing to a recyclable pot for larger plants and trialing a fibre based pot for bulbs and smaller plants - especially those that dislike transplanting. The bulb pots are deeper -18cm- which suits them better. These can planted directly into the soil, breaking down naturally. In the meantime we are reusing the last of our plastic pots.
Front row, left to right; B, C, E - Fibre based pot 11 x 11 cm, E.
Back row, left to right; E deep pot - fibre based bulb pot 18cm ht x10cm, J, H.
We use recyclable pots and some fibre pots for smaller plants and bulbs especially those that don’t transplant so well. These fibre pots can be planted directly into the soil, breaking down naturally.